Danger In The Air!

You and your children are in the danger zone until companies take action
to filter their waste. Unfiltered waste poses a significant threat to your health.
Act now to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Have you ever taken a big breath and coughed because something made the air smell bad or taste yucky? That's because cars and some businesses let out dirty stuff called pollution that floats around in the air we breathe. And some of that pollution is so tiny, you can't even see it!

The Tiny Troublemakers

These invisible particles are called PM2.5 and PM10. The PM2.5 ones are reallllly small - 40 times thinner than a single hair! They're so tiny that when you breathe them in, they can sneak past your body's defenses and get into your blood. Not cool!

Scientists say PM2.5 particles are super dangerous because they act like tiny sponges that soak up other gross stuff in the air like chemicals. And one really nasty passenger they can carry is something called a carcinogen which could give you cancer one day. Scary!

The PM10 particles can't get into your blood, but they're still troublemakers. They get stuck in your lungs and airways and slowly let out their toxic passengers bit-by-bit over time. It's like a sneaky time bomb making you sick!

The Air We Breathe

Rules say the air should only have 25 or less of those PM2.5 particles and 50 or less PM10s per mouthful (ok, per cubic meter but you get it!). But in lots of cities, the air is 2-3 times worse than that! Imagine breathing in a bunch of those invisible mouthfuls of dirty air all day long. No wonder so many people have breathing problems!

The European Environment Agency (EEA, eea.europa.eu) uses a special code to rate how polluted the air is:

0—50 Good Air

This is the best level! The air is clean and safe to breathe all day.

PM2.5: 0—12, µg/m3
PM10: 0—54, µg/m3
51—100 Moderate Air

The air is still okay for most people. But if you have asthma or other lung issues, you may start to feel it.
Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion.

PM2.5: 12.1—35.4, µg/m3
PM10: 55—154, µg/m3
101—150 Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

Now the air is unhealthy for kids, older people, and those with health problems. They may have trouble breathing normally.
People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and people of lower socioeconomic status should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.

PM2.5: 35.5—55.4, µg/m3
PM10: 155—254, µg/m3
150.1—200 Unhealthy

With this much pollution, even healthy people will likely start coughing, getting headaches, and feeling really yucky. This is a danger zone! Authorities will warn everyone to stay inside as the air is hazardous and can make you really ill.
People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and people of lower socioeconomic status should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion; everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.

PM2.5: 55.5—150.4, µg/m3
PM10: 255—354, µg/m3
201—300 Very Unhealthy

The air is so severely polluted at this point that it's unsafe for anyone to go outside and breathe it in.
People with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and people of lower socioeconomic status should avoid all physical activity outdoors. Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.

PM2.5: 150.5—250.4, µg/m3
PM10: 355—424, µg/m3
301—500 Hazardous

Everyone should avoid all physical activity outdoors; people with heart or lung disease, older adults, children, and people of lower socioeconomic status should remain indoors and keep activity levels low.

PM2.5: 250.5—500.4, µg/m3
PM10: 425—604, µg/m3

So anything over 100 means the air is too yucky and needs to be cleaned up! Just imagine living somewhere with a constant warning level of 200 or higher. Taking a breath outdoors would be like breathing in smoke from a campfire all day, every day. No wonder breathing troubles and lung diseases are on the rise!

How to Measure Particle Levels? With a Particle Monitor.

Particle Monitor AirPol

But there's hope! Meet the AirPol - a special gadget that lets you fight back against those sneaky particles. Just stick it to your window, plug it in with a USB cable, and it'll use lasers to count all the PM2.5, PM10, even smaller PM1.0 particles in your neighborhood's air!

It sends that info over Wi-Fi to a website with awesome interactive maps that turn all those numbers into colorful pictures so you can easily see how polluted or clean your air is. Then you can make sure to stay inside or make grown-ups do something about those dirty businesses!

But here's the really cool part - the AirPol doesn't just watch over your house, it's part of a huge pollution-tracking network! Every AirPol monitor shares its readings online, so you can see air quality levels for your whole city, state, even the entire country! It's like a crowd-sourced air quality radar.

Imagine pulling up a map and seeing all the red "danger zones" around factories or highways, While green means safe "breathe easy" areas around parks and cleaner neighborhoods. You can zoom in on a friend's house to check their air quality before visiting. Or look for pollution hotspots that maybe no one noticed before!

As more people get the AirPol, the maps will have more and more data pinpointing exactly where the dirtiest air is. Then everyone can work together to demand change and stop those troublemaking polluters!

The best part? Setting up your AirPol monitor is soooo easy, you could have it watching over and sharing data about the air you breathe in just 3 minutes! Quick protection for you, cool insights for your whole town. The AirPol monitor comes with a long 3-meter flat USB cable that you can simply run across your windowsill and plug into any USB power source like a phone charger. No bulky plugs or outlets needed!

And get this - you don't need any tools or make holes in your walls. The monitor body sticks right onto your window using strong double-sided tape. Or you can screw-mount it to an outside wall in just a couple minutes if you prefer.

Don't let those teeny-tiny pollution particles mess with your air and health. Get the amazing 7bit, join thousands of other air quality sensors, and let the clean air battle begin!

Easy Installation

No drilling required; simply attach it to your window or any surface using double-sided tape or screws.

Interactive Map

Provides real-time data on an online pollution map and offers clear analytics for easy understanding

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Данные о качестве воздуха представлены наглядно

Bonus Weather Station

Includes temperature and humidity sensors.

Reliable Connectivity

Equipped with an external antenna for strong Wi-Fi reception.

Weatherproof Design

Protected against rain and condensation, ensuring longevity.

Take Control of Your Air Quality

The 7Bit Pollution Monitor monitors air purity around your home 24/7, giving you peace of mind and empowering you to safeguard your health and your community.